Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bigfoot arrived!!!

Through hill and valley, mountain and dale I’ve searched for him and today Dec. 30, 2009 he almost dropped into my lap. He actually came to Crescent City by a somewhat circuitous route. In fact he traveled about 7,500 miles before arriving here from the East Coast.
Linda Davis, a college friend of Sandi's, put him in a cache in Linthicum, Maryland, on Oct. 31, 2004.
It’s been a great trip.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My New Year’s Resolutions

After a too long of a period of contemplating the meaning of life by indulging in navel gazing (mine), I’m ready to make some resolutions. I look at my flaws, faults, bad habits, and failed ambitions, and resolve to do better in the future. No, not better at flaws, faults, bad habits, and failed ambitions. Just better.

I’m not saying I’m going to build a house this year, but I’m not saying that I’m not going to build a house this year either. In fact, I’ll view it as a successful year if I don’t shock myself when I have to do some kind of electrical repair.

Next, I want to read more this year. No, I just don’t mean actually reading more of what my students are writing, but reading good literature. Maybe I’ll read the Bible and some Thoreau and maybe, just maybe, I’ll read ‘War and Peace,’ but I doubt it.

I want to visit my doctor more. Not because I think he’s a great guy and I find lab numbers fascinating conversation, but because I really need to be proactive in my own health and because Gonzo needs a fishing buddy.

Next, I want to walk more. Not necessarily that have to get somewhere, but rather because it’s good exercise and Sandi likes to walk. Not necessarily that she has somewhere to go but just because it’s good exercise. See, it’s a win-win. I get to exercise and spend time with the HB. Maybe my ‘love handles’ won’t be too much to handle.

I also resolve to not be a procrastinator in seeking enjoyment. There's really not better day than today to enjoy the fruits of my labor, or the gift of someone else. All too often I wait for the perfect time to use or do something, except from now on. Carpe diem will have an entirely new meaning. It will really mean today. Where’s that 1955 bottle of wine? Oh wait a minute, I don’t like wine.

And, I want to get to the bottom of things and find out just what the hell the ‘nog’ is in egg nog.
