Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mon., March 1 "The Chicken Bone Lunch"

To ensure that I don’t go back home with a new skill set that I’d be expected to use, I’ve made the not-to-difficult decision not to cook while I‘m here. I know it does take much thought, sacrifice ,and consideration, but I feel it’s best for all concerned. Although this may come as a surprise to some people considering how well I like to eat, I feel it’s the least I can do. I’ll boil water here, but that’s about it.

My meals have been something like this; for breakfast I have oatmeal and coffee, lunch, I eat out somewhere, and for dinner I have some fruit or nuts or yogurt. Sometimes I mix it up a bit and have coffee and oatmeal instead. If I’m lucky and think ahead I actually have milk with the oatmeal. This has not really happened yet, but being the positive thinker that I am, I have high hopes that it will happen in the not-too-distant future. I generally remember to buy milk as I'm walking out of the store and not into the store. If not, I have yogurt with the oatmeal. I have learned that I do not enjoy cranberry juice in my oatmeal.

For lunch I generally eat out. I figure that will be my big meal of the day. Being the bargain shopper that I am I believe that I should be able to find a lunch special somewhere. Today I got lucky. Not rabbit’s foot kind of lucky but chicken leg kind of lucky.

Ok, let me explain. I went on a walking loop that I figured to be about 5 miles, as it turned out if was 5.5 miles. That’s good, especially as there were a lot of places to eat on the way. Now if I’d done this loop and there hadn’t been any places to eat I may have a different perspective.

Anyway, I stopped at this little Mexican café and ordered their special; two tacos for $4.99. I ordered one fish taco and one chicken taco. Yes, they were big and good. I had finished the fish taco and was closing in on the end of chicken taco when I noticed a shape that didn’t look like lettuce, tortilla, cheese, or chicken meat. It was part of a chicken leg bone. Do not have any misperceptions about me though, I have been to KFC before. So although it was odd, it’s just that I didn’t expect to find a chicken bone in my taco. Since the lady was next to me at the counter I showed it to her and said, “I think I have something a little extra in my taco.” She was surprised and was very apologetic. She said “This isn’t supposed to happen. We order boneless chicken. Do you want another one? ” I said, “No, that’s OK, one leg is enough. but thank you.” Anyway, she came out a little later and gave me a coupon for two more tacos. So, I guess I know where I’m eating lunch tomorrow.

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