Friday, March 19, 2010

The YMCA, the YMCA .....not really, but it's a gym.

The first few days after I started working out at the gym I felt like I had been subjected to some new type of old Medieval torture racks. In fact, during the first week all the gym equipment looked like torture machines that could exact whatever a person would want to know from someone using them. Kind of like water boarding but something that a person does to themselves.

I don’t know exactly how many muscles a human body has, but I think the gym has a separate machine for every one of them. By the cries of pain from some of the people using them I have to believe they must hurt if they’re used incorrectly, so you must use them correctly so a person doesn’t do undo damage to themselves. I generally gauge if I want to use a machine based on the decibel of screams when people use them. The louder they scream the less inclined I am to using them.

These last few weeks that I used the gym I’ve felt tired but haven’t felt sore. I guess that’s an improvement. I’ll take tired over sore any day. Haven’t walked the track in the evening lately as I don’t want to run into any rogue Ninja bunnies seeking revenge for something they think I may have done. Easter is coming and I don’t want to piss any rabbits off.

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